11th of Cheshvan 11 חשון תשפ״ד
Hilula of Rachel Imanu הילולה של רחל אמינו
When my tears finally came
They came like a waterfall,
It changed me.
I feel it in my face,
I feel it in my heart
And I feel it in my gut.
I woke up with tears
And now they are
a part of me.
I have become
a source of water.
I planted seeds
And my tears
fed them.
my seeds are ancient
And yet they are new.
My tears nourish the soil
Nourish the earth
And nourish the mother.
The art of crying
Is how we raise children.
We learn from the waning moon to be vulnerable. Yemima Mizarachi said: How do we raise children? In the same way, we raise plants, we need water and light. The power of a mothers tears is the healing purifying water of the mikveh. Showing your children it’s okay to cry will give them superpowers to grow their wings and really fly. Crying is a highly evolved behavior. Crying is an ancient wisdom. Tears are purifying.
The Mystery of tears by Neuroscientist, Dr.William H. Frey II says, that crying is not only a human response to sorrow and frustration, it’s also a healthy one. He gives five reasons to cry it out. 1) It relieves stress 2) crying lowers blood pressure 3) Tears remove toxins 4) crying reduces manganese levels. Elevated manganese levels can be associated with anxiety, irritability & aggression. 5) Crying makes you human, only human beings shed tears in response to emotional stress.
Ima Rachel sacrificed everything for the sake of her sister’s sake. Ima Rachel is the embodiment of the earth element / Shchinah. Rachel lived a life of altruism. True altruism is when someone's earth element is so solid because they are so nurtured and whole inside. For thousands of years, she lies alone on the side of a remote road, awaiting redemption. Awaiting intergenerational and lasting Ahavat Chinam.
Photo by Shaya Rijkmans @Shaya_heart https://www.shaya-art.com/?fbclid=IwAR0wW7yvH9kHrO5pWAPeIXQXUd23Cg9uwQXiliEl0ls3NDNAMNz0U9Pcv4g